Join John and Eden as they unravel the concept that "money is an energy" through the teachings of Gala Darling and Sophia Golfinopoulos. Discover how playfulness, creativity, and mindset shifts can transform your financial journey. From hands-on tools like 'The Intention Pen' to insights on joyful living, this episode provides practical steps and listener stories to inspire your path to abundance.
So, Eden, when we talk about money being energy, it's really, you know, this fascinating blend of how our minds interact with the idea of wealth. It's not just about numbers in an account. It's more like... tapping into a frequency. You see, historically, we've always linked effort directly to success, but there's this whole other layer. You know what I mean?
Oh, totally, John. It's like money isn't just something you earn; it's something you attract! And honestly, the craziest thing is that it starts with those small mindset changes. It's about shifting how you think - from lack to abundance. I mean, I've found that the more fun I have, the more money just flows my way. Isn't that wild?
Absolutely fascinating. It’s a significant departure from the traditional work ethic we're taught, isn't it? Like, take Gala Darling's approach to manifesting wealth. She suggests that increasing joy, really harnessing excitement, feeds into this abundance. It’s almost like, the better you feel, the better your financial path becomes. It's not that straightforward, but there's truth in it, you know?
Exactly, and you know, I see this all the time with intentional living. Start with what makes you happy, and honestly, don’t underestimate the power of clearing those subconscious blocks. They're like these invisible walls. You just have to choose to see money differently. Transform those inner thoughts. Like Sophia Golfinopoulos mentions, it’s about recognizing and dismantling those myths you’ve believed for years. That’s such a game-changer!
It's really enlightening. Changing subconscious beliefs can, you know, alter your whole perspective on financial success. Many people don't realize it, but those ingrained thoughts can hinder their entire approach to wealth-building. It’s like what you perceive becomes your reality, and that’s powerful. Shifting those beliefs could truly open new avenues, yes?
Definitely! It’s all about taking that inspired action, too. You can't just wait for money to come to you, right? But when you align your actions with an abundant mindset, things start to happen. People think it’s all about the cosmic forces, but it’s also about the hustle—smart hustle. Also, gratitude! When you’re thankful for what you have, money seems more drawn to you. At least, that’s how I see it.
It’s quite intriguing how, when we consider wealth-building, the most significant hurdle can be our own mindset. You know, I’ve read accounts, like what Sophia Golfinopoulos discusses, about transforming subconscious limiting beliefs. It's, it's a profound shift. See, our thoughts manifest into reality - it’s as if our inner perceptions, these deeply rooted beliefs, become a framework for our entire financial outlook. Challenging these notions, especially if they’re negative, is crucial, wouldn’t you agree?
Oh, absolutely, John! Like, it's all about that deep, intentional thinking. I mean, it’s funny how we hold onto these beliefs without even realizing it until we start questioning them. And and once we do, it can feel like the floodgates open. You start to see, "Oh, that’s why I act this way with money!" Sophia really nailed it with the idea of replacing those old narratives. It sounds simple, but it's kinda transformative.
Indeed, it is transformative. And once we start tweaking those narratives—replacing scarcity with prosperity, for instance—the ripple effect on our behaviors is incredible. It’s not merely an exercise of the mind but a holistic reorientation of how we approach wealth, life even. And and it’s not just rewiring; it involves continuous self-awareness and nurturing those newfound perspectives.
Big time. It’s like, once you break one layer, there's another beneath. And it keeps going. But but here’s the thing—action! You can’t just sit on the couch and expect money to pour in. It takes hustle, but but smart hustle. It's like that intentional grit, combined with gratitude. And you have to keep reminding yourself to kinda celebrate those little wins. Each one is like a stepping stone on the path to abundance!
Precisely, Eden. That consistent acknowledgment of progress reinforces the mindset shift. It’s a powerful, adaptive journey that marries mental belief with tangible practice. And and this marriage is potent—setting clear intentions and being open to embrace opportunity. We should, perhaps, dwell on the role of gratitude more extensively. It's fascinating how it attracts wealth when it's simply heartfelt.
Yes! Gratitude gets overlooked, but it's something I swear by. Thanking life for what’s present, you tune into abundance. Same with those subconscious beliefs—every little step we take shapes the path forward, opening the doors to new opportunities as we evolve and grow. It's like becoming a money magnet. That's why I I love this journey; it’s all about growing into our potential!
So Eden, when we dive into the practical steps of manifesting wealth, it really boils down to actionable shifts, doesn't it? We're not just talking about abstract intentions here, but, but concrete actions. I mean, look at Gala Darling's approach to using joy and excitement to open the gates of abundance. It's fascinating how they become practical tools, right?
Totally, John! It's all about finding what lights you up inside and letting that be your guide. And then, like Sophia Golfinopoulos mentions—you've gotta acknowledge those subconscious beliefs that are more like blind spots. It's funny how we often ignore the simple steps, like just clearing out old mindsets!
Precisely. And in in addition to mindsets, the environment we create can be pivotal. Sophia's ideas about aligning our physical space to goals—like through Feng Shui or even just having organized finances to visualize our financial goals—are key. It's kinda analogous to setting your stage before the performance. Think of what you'd accomplish in an atmosphere that really supports growth.
Right, right. It's like each step tunes you into that wealth frequency. And those tweaks, they don't have to be massive. Gratitude also plays such a massive role. The more grateful I I am, the more my focus shifts to the abundance in my life, kind of like adding fuel to a growing fire.
Exactly, gratitude is indeed transformative. And add a bit of action, as you said earlier—taking those inspired steps that align with your intentions. The commitment to keep moving in a positive direction, even through little steps, tends to accumulate and create momentum. It’s a journey where every inspired move propels you further.
That's it, taking those steps no matter how small. It’s amazing how everything you do turns into a part of your wealth story. You can't underestimate the power of being proactive—acting from a place of belief. It’s like saying, "Hey universe, I'm ready!" Um, so yeah, gratitude, mindset, action—they’re like a trifecta for manifesting wealth.
Chapters (3)
About the podcast
Reflections Unfiltered is a podcast exploring the rich, complex experiences of a life lived to the fullest. From the grit of policing to the nuances of engineering, philosophy, and the occult, I dive into the lessons, insights, and both humorous and sobering realizations along my journey. Using AI, and my own voice we are getting the story out.
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